Wednesday 17 August 2011



In this world all people must have a love. Because love is can give you everything, The word "love" can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. . Often, other languages use multiple words to express some of the different concepts that English relies mainly on "love" to encapsulate. Love is the greatest gift we can ever hope to give or receive. Love is the one thing that can overcome so many of the difficult times that we are faced with in life. Love is so powerful - it can turn frowns into smiles. It can help mend the most broken heart. It can even turn all of the ugliness in the world into the most beautiful portrait we could ever have the pleasure to behold. Such a monumental task - of course... it could be. But only if we try to do it alone.Instead, if each of us, in our own small way contributed just a little - together, the task can become the reality we're reaching for. Love causes less stress, less heartache, less misunderstandings, less of just about everything negative. Love does reap rewards - happiness, health, joy, peace, and so much more that's positive. Isn't that what we want most for this world of ours? Isn't this a much prettier picture? Remember the portrait? It's not impossible and we can all help to paint it. love is sometimes contrasted with friendship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships.


A person is not either intelligent or not intelligent, but rather everyone is intelligent to some degree, although some may be said to have the intelligence of a cabbage. Now, if the reader will accept the above assumptions, what characteristics of intelligence? Firstly, An intelligent person does not have as much need for faith and magic as do others. Many people want witch doctors not medical doctors and politicians who will promise them a free lunch and preachers who will promise them heaven. They look at processes of nature and technology as simply black boxes and are not curious about how or why they work. Beside that, an intelligent person has a strong sense of curiosity, a need to know about the how and why of the world around him. From learning and knowing he develops his concept of the world and of his place in it. This is both the science of knowledge and the art of living. An intelligent person is often impatient with the limitations imposed on his intellect by time and space until he eventually gains the wisdom to accept these limitations. An intelligent person does not have as much need to define himself or establish his personal identity in terms of social interaction as do others. Although man is, by nature, a social animal, more intelligent people are less so. I know several people who are very unhappy, even lost, if they are not engaged in social intercourse. The intelligent person can be happy when he is alone. He can be entertained by his own mind because of a more highly developed imagination.

grown up

When we grow up, we do not realize the war we begin fighting; I didn’t anyway. It is like we become survivalist on some level, willing to do whatever it takes to find a moment of peace. The one moment where the tightness in our chest subsides and you can just breathe . When we grow up the war never feels fair. It seems like an oxymoron to realize we are fighting for peace. Where some of us are in the trenches, in the muck, utilizing the people in our lives to stand on so we do not drown in it. And others are happy to sacrifice themselves, for the greater good. Each individual intricately labeled, so we all can be equally confused; martyr, warrior, narcissist, female, male, gay, straight, black, white, Asian, Latino, check this box for classification that never is clear or definitive about anything that is more real. The lines blur and I rarely accept the superficial or obvious about anyone. Growing up in a world riddled with war, just feels like the deafening static that becomes our lives. . Where some of us are in the trenches, in the muck, utilizing the people in our lives to stand on so we do not drown in it. And others are happy to sacrifice themselves, for the greater good. Everybody must be have a grown up because that the reality of life. Time the grown up many you can study and this time too we have a moment.

Natural disaster

Flood, Tornado, Hurricane, Volcanic Eruption, Earthquake, or Landslide this a example of natural disaster. A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard. I can explain about Earthquake. Firstly, A majority of the population know that seismology has devised two different yet correlated ways in measuring earthquakes. The first one is through the use of seismic magnitude which is scientifically calculated with the help of the seismograph. The second type is the measure of how bad the earthquake was. This is called the Earthquake Intensity which is primarily driven by how much damage the earthquake imposed upon the vicinity both in regards to humans, and properties. It must be understood that an earthquake with a huge magnitude does not necessarily cause the most intense surface effects. The effect in a given region depends on its local geologic conditions such that an area over an unstable ground is likely to experience greater damage than one on a firm ground. Focal depth, the distance from the epicentre, and the design of the structures located there in also contribute to the determination of an earthquake's intensity. Moreover, the extent of damage also depends on the density of population and construction in the area hit by the earthquake. A concrete example of the division between a natural hazard and a natural disaster is that the 1906 San Francisco earthquake was a disaster, where as earthquakes are a hazard. So earthquakes is so strong nothing can stop that when it want happen.

funniest moment

Too many things that makes my ordained of God. Every day a lot of happy stories and behaviors that we do. To me, what cheer when we implement something useful for all. Everyone in his life experiences some incidents good or bad. There may be the happiest, the saddest or the funniest incident in one's life. funniest moment is an event that is difficult to forget they are also things that will make us smile when the recalled event. every person who ever lived in the world must behave felt the funniest moment. funniest moment is also really stiff. Me too have a funniest moment, my funniest is about three years ago when I was working at Ruby Tuesday I had one of the most humorous work days of my life, and slightly embarrassing. It all started on a Friday when I was actually scheduled to be off. I got a phone call around four o’clock after I had just finished a pretty exhausting workout routine. I had decided to start my workout routine on that particular Friday because of having the day off and I was not quite sure how my body was going to react to the new workout plan. From previous experiences, I knew I should try to do little as possible for twenty-four hours because I do not do well with partaking in much activity when I am sore. When I received the call that Ruby Tuesday was short on staff, I had literally just finished working out.

Monday 15 August 2011

100 other word (bi)

Means : a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals  live.
Means : something you do in order to punish someone who has harmed or offended you.
Means : a bird with large eyes that hunts at night.
Means : a large ring made of wood, metal, and plastic
Means : disagreement or arguing between people
Means : clearly separate.
Means : to make people stop respecting or trusting someone.
Means : to escape from someone or something
Means : to show you money, success, beauty.
Means : the past tense and past participle of FIGHT.
Means : a soft creamy brown sweet food
Means : very thin transparent material with very small holes
Means : small hammer that the person in charge of a meeting, court of low
Means : to look at something for long time
Means : a particular type of art ,music
Means : melted butter made from the milk of cow
Means : to cover something with a thin layer of gold
Means : one of the organ on the sides of a fish through which it breathes
Means : to make someone do something by annoying
20.hand job
Means : the act of toucing or rubbing a man’s sex organs to give him sexual pleasure
21.hand out
Means : money or goods that are given to someone
Means : to make someone’s life unpleasant
Means : to raise ,left or pull up something
Means : to lift or pull something up with a sudden movement
25.hold on
Means : to wait for a short time
Means : to make a hole or empty space by removing the inside part line
Means : to make something such as a business, organization
28.stretch out
Means : to put out your hand
Means : to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way
Means : a long thin pole or bar
Means : fish eggs eaten as a food
Means : a horse with some white hairs giving it a light colour
Means : to walk or travel, usually for long time
Means : as a way of talking to a male customer in a shop
Means : a small plant with round green leaves that are eaten raw
Means : old fashioned used to express surprise or anger
Means : comport yourself to behave in a particular way
Means : seeming calm and not upset or angry
Means : to press something or make it smaller so that it take up less space
Means : to make a book, list, record
Means : having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory standard bar
Means : a place at a big party, weeding box
Means : a small metal box with a lock that your keep money in law
Means : a type of law that is based on decisions judges have made in are past
Means : a round wooden container used for storing wine or other liquid
46.brief case
Means : a flat case used especially by business people for carrying  papers or documents
Means : a piece of music played or sung at a speed that is neither very fast or very low
Means : not good or favor able ref
Means : a round cap with a tight band around the head
50.blow pipe
Means : a tube through which you can blow a small stone
Means : a sudden and sometimes violent attempt citizens or the army to take control of the government
Means : not sharp or pointed
Means : a short description giving information about book, new project
Means : written a piece of news that is false and is told to people deliberately in order to harm someone
Means : a man with a high social rank
Means : to cut something roughly or violently
57.hail storm
Means : a storm when a small ball of frozen rain
Means : someone who is staying in a tent or shelter
Means : to become red in a face, usually because you are embarrassed
Means : feeling nervous and uncomfortable and worrying about what people thinking of you
Means : to be a very good example of an idea or quality
Means : to put your arms around someone an hold them in a friendly or loving way
Means : facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true
Means : special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training
Means : coming after three other things in a series
Means : if a bone or other hard substance fracture , or if it is fracture , it breaks or crack
Means : someone who is frail is weak and thin because they are old or ill
Means : a grenade that explodes into very small pieces
Means : a seat that has 3 or 4 legs, but no back or arms
Means : also stoop down to bend your body forward and down
Means : to walk with heavy steps or to put your foot down very hard, especially because you are angry
Means : a tall white bird with long legs and long beak
Means : the part of a woman’s or female animal’s body where her baby grows before it is born
Means : if an animal or person yowls, they make a long loud cry,(unhappy or in pain)
Means : to hick someone or something hard
Means : the main bad character in a film, story or play
Means : someone who lives in a village
Means : someone who is successful because they are determined  and work hard
Means : criticizing  someone or something in a clever but cruel way
Means : to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard
Means : to say publicly that someone is not guilty or responsible for something
Means : to choose not to vote for or against something
Means : based on general ideas  or principles rather than specific example or real events
Means : to make something more noticeable so that people  will pay attention to it.
Means : someone who is enable to stop taking drugs
Means : to stick firmly to something
Means : to make a judgment about something or someone
Means : a post that forms the side of a door or window
Means : 1 of the 2 bones that your teeth are in
Means : used to express feelings such as surprise, anger, annoyance
Means : to change direction suddenly
Means : someone or something that brings bad luck, or period of bad luck that result from this
Means : to press a mixture of flour and water many times with your hands
Means : the playing card with a value between the ten and queen
Means : a natural skill or ability
Means : a computer system or program that made or written very quickly and not very well
Means : influence that you can use to make people do what you want
Means : someone who deliberately says things which are not true
Means : someone who support or belongs to the former liberal party in Britain
Means : a gift of wine  to a god