Saturday 29 October 2011

UFS201 - 5th Vocabulary Entry

-movie - Rise of the Planet of the Apes.


Meaning : .Formal a clear and detailed explanation and A systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic. a collection of things for public display

Example scene : A female ape, designated No. 9 has been given the drug ALZ 112, and has shown considerable progress. She is more sociable and calmer than normal apes, and has succeeded in completing the Towers of Hanoi puzzle in 20 moves, which is close to a perfect score of 15. Will Rodman (Franco) talks to his boss, Steve Jacobs (Oyelowo), and convinces him that he has data to enable them to proceed with human trials for the drug.

Rising action

Meaning : something becoming more important or famous . Advancing or becoming higher or greater in degree or value or status.

Example scene : Caroline is now living as part of the Rodman family, and Caesar has grown as well. Will has even started dressing him in a shirt and pants. During a visit to the forest, Caesar is barked at angrily by a dog, and he counters with a primal cry that scares it off. Will notices that Caesar seems sad and confused about just 'what' he is. Will and Carolien drive past Gen-Sys, and Will explains to Caesar about the drug that made him more intelligent, as well as his Mother having died.


Meaning : The highest point of anything conceived of as growing, developing or unfolding The decisive moment in a novel or play

Example scene : Dodge brings some of his friends into the cage area, where Caesar manages to steal a pocket knife from one of the visitors. Caesar then befriends the large Gorilla in the yard named Buck, who is never let out of his cage, by letting him loose. He then releases Lucky, who ventures into the yard. Caesar hits him with a steel gas can. Lucky is ready to fight, but realizes that the Gorilla (Buck) is loyal to Caesar and will protect him so he submits. Caesar is now the alpha male. Caesar later lets Lucky out of the cage and allows him to give stolen cookies (from Dodge) -- one to each ape, solidifying the solidarity of the group. Caesar has also found a walkway and controls to the windowed enclosure at the top of the play area.

falling action

Meaning : Decreasing in amount on the video or movie

Example : In the helicopter, Jacobs catches sight of Caesar, and orders the men to shoot at him, reasoning that the death of Caesar will call off the others. However, as the helicopter hovers low to the bridge, Buck leaps onto the helicopter, bringing it down, but at the cost of his own life. Caesar feels sadness over the loss of one of his comrades, and soon finds the remains of the helicopter precariously clinging to the side of the bridge, with Jacobs pleading for help. Instead, Caesar turns away, and one of his followers pushes the helicopter off, with Jacobs dying upon impact of the water.


Meaning : Something settled or resolved the outcome of decision making and Analysis into clear-cut components.

Example scene : Caesar stop attacking people and they returned to the forest for their survival that way. Caesar the ape who can speak due to medications given by Rodman. Ceaser be the chief forest monkeys.