Monday 8 August 2011

bi assignment

1.Above board
Mean : If something is above board, it’s been done in a legal.
2.Add fuel to the fire
Mean : if you add fuel to the fire , you do something to make a bad situation even worse acid test
Mean : An acid test is something that shows the true worth or value of something or someone.
4.answer the call of nature
Mean : If you answer the call of nature, you go to the toilet.
5.around the clock
Mean : If something occurs around the clock, it goes on all day and all night. soon as possible | asap
Mean : If you do something as soon as possible (sometimes abbreviated to "asap"), you do it at the first possible opportunity.
7.asking for trouble
Mean : If someone is asking for trouble, they're doing something risky that could lead to a problem.
8.a tall order
Mean : If you say something's a tall order, you mean that it'll be hard to do or difficult to achieve.
9.take a break
Mean : If you take a break, you have a short rest while doing something like working or playing sport.
10.take for granted
Mean : We can say somebody takes something for granted if they assume it'll always be there for them, and they don't seem thankful for it.
11.take into account
Mean : If you take something or someone into account, you consider them when making a decision or making plans.
12.take part
Mean : If you take part in something, you join in or play a role in it.
13.take something the wrong way
Mean : If you take something the wrong way, you misunderstand what someone says and think they're being critical when they aren't.
14.take the bull by the horns
Mean : If you take the bull by the horns, you deal with a problem or a challenge in a direct and fearless way.
15.(it's) raining cats and dogs
Mean : You can say "it's raining cats and dogs" if it's raining very hard.
16.a raw deal
Mean : If you think that you got a raw deal, you think you weren't treated fairly or as well as other people.
17.a ray of sunshine
Mean : Something is a ray of sunshine if it brings happiness to someone.
18..a recipe for disaster
Mean : Something is a recipe for disaster if it's going to cause trouble or serious problems.
19.a red-letter day
Mean : A red-letter day is a day that is very important for some reason.
20.a roller coaster | a roller-coaster ride
Mean : You can say an experience is a roller coaster, or a roller-coaster ride, if it involves many emotional highs and lows, or really good times alternating with really difficult times.
21.rack your brains | rack you brain
Mean : If you rack your brains, or rack you brain, you try hard to remember something or think of a solution to a problem or a puzzle.
22.rags to riches
Mean : If you go from rags to riches, you start out very poor and you become very rich. 
23.a matter of life and death
Mean : If something is a matter of life and death, it's extremely important and it could involve someone's survival.
24.a means to an end
Mean : You can say something is a means to an end if it's the way to reach a goal, or the way to achieve something.
25.a mixed blessing
Mean : You can say something is a mixed blessing if it seems to be good, but in fact has bad effects as well as good effects.
26.made of money
Mean : If you are made of money, you have lots of money.
27.make a killing
Mean : If you make a killing, you make a lot of money from a sale or a deal of some sort.
28.make a mountain out of a molehill
Mean : If you make a mountain out of a molehill, you make a small problem seem to be a much bigger problem.
29.hands are tied
Mean : You can say your hands are tied if you're prevented from doing something that you'd normally have the power or the authority to do.
30.heart goes out to (someone)
Mean : If your heart goes out to someone, you feel great sympathy for them.
31.heart is in the right place
Mean : If your heart is in the right place, you try to do the right thing, even if things don't always work out for the best.
32.heart isn't in it
Mean : If your heart isn't in something you're doing, you don't really want to do it.
33.a head start
Mean : If you have a head start, you start something ahead of others or with an advantage over others.
34.a hidden agenda
Mean : If someone has a hidden agenda, they have a secret plan or motive for doing something.
35.once and for all
Mean : If you do something once and for all, you do it in a way that's final and it means you'll never have to do it again.
36.once in a blue moon
Mean : If something happens once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely. in a million
If you say someone is "one in a million", you mean they're an exceptionally good person.
38.out of the blue
Mean : If something happens out of the blue, you're not expecting it to happen and you're surprised when it does.
39.out of the question
Mean : If something is out of the question, it cannot be considered because it's impossible or it's not allowed.
40.out of your depth
Mean : If you're out of your depth, you're in a situation that you don't have the experience to handle, or the knowledge to understand.
41.egg on your face Informal
Mean : You have egg on your face if you've said or done something wrong, and it's made you feel embarrassed or stupid.
42.hands are tied
Mean : You can say your hands are tied if you're prevented from doing something that you'd normally have the power or the authority to do.
43.heart goes out to
Mean : If your heart goes out to someone, you feel great sympathy for them.
44.heart is in the right place
Mean : If your heart is in the right place, you try to do the right thing, even if things don't always work out for the best.
45.heart isn't in it
Mean : If your heart isn't in something you're doing, you don't really want to do it.
46.a bad hair day
Mean : If you're having a bad hair day, everything seems to be going wrong for you.
47.a gut feeling
Mean : If you have a gut feeling, you sense something about a person or a situation, without knowing why, but you're sure what you sense is true.
48.a head start
Mean : If you have a head start, you start something ahead of others or with an advantage over others.
49.dead in the water
Mean : If something is dead in the water, it has no chance of succeeding or of making any progress.
50.dead to the world
Mean : If you're dead to the world, you are sound asleep.


1 . Keep around
Mean : have handy , have accessible
2 . Keep at
Mean : not give up (an activity) , to persevere
3 . Call for
Mean : require (as in a recipe)
4 . Call off
Mean : cancel something
5 . Call on
Mean : visit
6 . Call up
Mean : telephone
7 . Calm down
Mean : make someone relax
8 . Care for
Mean : like someone or something
9 . Carry on
Mean : continue
10 . Keep to
Mean : Continue , persist in ( an activity )
11 . Keep over
Mean  : Cover something with , put something above
12 .Keep out
Mean : prevent from entering
13 . Keep on
Mean : continue
14 . Keep off
Mean : Prevent from stepping or climbing on to something 
15 . Keep in
Mean  : Keep in a particular place , have something in a specific location
16 . Keep down
Mean : not vomit, not throw up, keep in one ‘s stomach
17 . Keep back
Mean : maintain a safe distance, cause to maintain a safe distance
18 . Keep away
Mean : access to , hold back
19 . Carry out
Mean : a something complete
20 . Lay away
Mean : save for the future
21 . lay down
Mean : a establish
22 . Lay in on
Mean : scold
23 . Lay into
Mean : scold
24 . Lay off
Mean : suspend someone from a job
25 . Lay out
Mean : arrange
26 . leave out
Mean : not include
27 . Let down
Mean : down
28 . Let out
Mean : release or make bigger
29 . Let up
Mean : weaken in intensity
30 . Bear on
Mean : have to do with
31 . Bear down on
Mean : take strong Measure against
32 . Bawl out
Mean : criticize
33 . Back up
Mean : move backwards , reverse and support
34 . Back out
Mean : not keep
35 . Back down
Mean : stop defending your opinion a debate
36 . Open up
Mean : share feeling 
37 . Occur to
Mean : pop into one’s mind , come to one’s mind
38 . Hang up
Mean : put down telephone receiver
39 . Hang around
Mean : stay in a place for fun and happy
40 . Hand over
Mean : relinquish control
41 . Hand out
Mean : distribute
42 . Hand in
Mean : submit
43 . Hand down
Mean : give as an inheritance and pronounce formally
44 . Hand back
Mean : return
45 . Settle up
Mean : pay one’s depts.
46 . settle on
Mean : make a decision after a period of time
47 . Set up
Mean : arrange(a meeting)
48 . Sell up
Mean : tell on someone
49 . See through
Mean : finish something
50 . See to
Mean : make sure something happens

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